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Brain2Code &


Brain2Code and Intuition2Code have been developed to enable traders to implement their strategies that they are applying on a day-to-day basis in an automated environment with optimisation using AI and machine learning.


intelligent trading bot

Using state-of-the-art cloud technologies our automation platform ensures that you are able to implement your strategies without further interventions. The trading bot takes the orders from the strategies and places these on the platform of your choice.

Veleta.AI is revolutionising the field of financial trading and day trading through the application of advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and signal processing to deliver superior results and returns to investors.

Meet The Team

The team at Veleta.AI was born out of a love of applying data science and artificial intelligence to challenging problems. The team has a broad industrial experience covering digital transformation, advanced analytics, AI and software engineering. Founded in 2020 the company is already delivering advanced algorithmic trading tools and advanced automation to a mix of financial instruments and assets in the financial markets.

Our Solutions

Veleta.AI has developed a state-of-the-art platform allowing traders to highly automate their strategies in their selected assets & markets. The technical platform is entirely cloud based with customised bots providing the access to a number of trading services and platforms. The bots place trades in the chosen trading window with customisable take profit and stop losses based on risk appetite, allowing trading strategies to become highly automated. Using the Veleta.AI strategy definition language the SDL that has been custom developed can be easily deployed on the bot platform once approved by the creator.

Our Services 

Veleta.AI allows traders to develop and backtest their strategies before implementation and even recommends improvements to the strategies with AI that can be integrated into the trading strategies for superior returns. Additionally, optimisation services can be provided by our team of data scientists to work with traders to develop their strategies and support with the application of AI and machine learning to improve the strategy and optimise it ready for implementation onto the BotPlatform.

To revolutionise trading through the application of advanced analytics and AI


intelligent trading bot

Using state-of-the-art cloud technologies our automation platform ensures that you are able to implement your strategies without further interventions. The trading bot takes the orders from the strategies and places these on the platform of your choice.

Brain2Code &

Brain2Code and Intuition2Code have been developed to enable traders to implement their strategies that they are applying on a day-to-day basis in an automated environment with optimisation using AI and machine learning.

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